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컴터 때찌/E​xperience

useradd + passwd

useradd -m -d /home/$i $i
echo $i | passwd --stdin $i

useradd $1
echo $2 | passwd --stdin $1

It seams the --stdin option does not exist under Ubuntu.
You can write input in prog's stdin like ssh or passwd using socat but I think there is an easier way to do what you want.
CENTOS/RHEL support the --stdin option. Appears Debian and it's variants like Ubuntu do not.

[Ubuntu ]
prometeo -p `mkpasswd someword`

useradd $1 -p `mkpasswd $2`

# sh leo.sh leo8 leopasswd

'컴터 때찌 > E​xperience' 카테고리의 다른 글

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